Thursday, 9-8-11
(Before I even start let me point out - I know I am way behind in my blogs!!!)
It's hard to believe that Amy is already starting preschool. I still vividly remember bringing her home and how little she was. It seems like life goes by so quickly. I always try to remind myself to savor each moment because it won't last forever...which can be good or bad depending on what is going on!! :)
I was so excited when I learned that I would be able to go with Amy on her first day of preschool. It was a shortened morning and gave both of us the chance to explore her classroom and meet her teachers. Amy was so excited to go in the morning. She had a hard time holding still so I could take her picture! But, we managed to get at least one or two!

Once we arrived at her class, she instantly found the dress-up clothes and made a beeline start toward them!! She immediately had to put one own and then played with the little kitchen and "housekeeping" area (housekeeping is the term they use for that area of her class). We also decorated her tote bag, though she wasn't too interested in this. Amy wanted to keep playing so she had me put her name on her tote in pink and then she was off to the next adventure.

At the end of our time, both Amy & I were happy and excited for her to start preschool on her own next week!

Well, I guess I should say that Amy was looking forward to it and I was trying to come to some acceptance that it was time to let her go...for just a little bit!