Wednesday, 2-3-10
Amy had her first dental visit today. Kurt & I thought it was better to have Amy start seeing a pediatric dentist at a relatively young age to hopefully have her adjust to these visits as a normal part of life. We had heard that anytime after 18 months of age is an appropriate time to take a little one for their first visit to the dentist. Although we chose a pediatric dentist, I was anticipating that Amy would have some anxiety during the exam. I tried to prepare myself....unfortunately, I apparently wasn't prepared enough. Similar to her visit to the pediatrician for her two-year well-child check-up, Amy didn't enjoy her visit to the dentist. Poor little girl screamed and cried the ENTIRE time. It was so difficult for me - I was trying to console her while at the same time holding her hands. It was brutal. The mommy in me desperately wanted to do something to make it all better but there was nothing to do other than hug and love on her following the exam.
However, there were a few positives: (1) The entire appointment probably only lasted about 15-20 minutes. They were so quick and did not seemed fazed at all by Amy's crying. They even said that it was very normal for toddlers her age. (2) The dentist actually said that Amy could keep her pacifier until around April due to her two-year molars coming in. At that point, I could have probably kissed that dentist!!! :) Kurt and I have been struggling about when to take Amy's pacifier away. Neither one of us are thrilled by the idea of it, though we know that it is something that we need to do. Hearing from the dentist (who I thought would lecture me about how "evil" pacifiers are at Amy's age) that it is okay for her to keep her pacifier for a few more months was music to my ears. The dentist's logic is that we don't want Amy to begin sucking her thumb as a way to deal with her two-year molars coming in. Plus, Amy only has her pacifier when she sleeps. So, hearing that news almost made the visit worth it...almost!
So, after the appointment, Amy & I headed to Target to do a little retail therapy!! Probably more for mom than Amy!! We bought a couple of their $1 books (I LOVE their $1 books!!!) for Amy. I searched for some chocolate to help me deal with my feelings from the dental appointment, but somehow managed to exert some willpower and not buy any. Shocking, I know!! So, at the end of the day, Amy is fine and hopefully not overly traumatized by the appointment. I am still trying to recover, but I'm sure I'll rebound. The rest of the day, I gave Amy lots of hugs and kisses, again probably more for me than her!! :) Plus, Amy was able to show Daddy her new toothbrush and new books when he got home today! She absolutely loves to run to Daddy when he comes home from work to show him various things that she finds intesting at the time whether it is some of her Little People, a new library book, etc.
I only got a few pictures of Amy before the exam started...probably for the better really!!