Snow Fun?

Friday, 1-15-10

So, yesterday it finally warmed up enough for Amy & I to go out and play in the snow. Fortunately, we got so much snow last week that there was plenty of snow to play in despite the warmer temperatures that we have been having, i.e., warmer as in the 30's! So, after doing a few errands in the morning, I asked Amy if she wanted to go outside and play in the snow. She became so excited and wanted to go THEN!! I explained that we needed to put on a few more clothes and her new boots. So, I got her all bundled up - two pairs of pants, a shirt, a jacket, and then her winter coat. Gloves, boots, & hat on!!! She is ready to go!

She hasn't worn mittens all year and she wasn't quite sure about them. I think she also was wondering what exactly I had her dressed in!! But, she was ready to go play in the snow!

So, we go outside to our backyard. I open the door and we walk out into the snow. She looks down at the snow and then looks across the yard.

And that was about it for our playtime in the snow!! She wasn't interested at all in playing with the snow. I picked up some snow and threw it across the yard to show her that she could play in it, but she didn't like it. She didn't like the snow being in my hands - I wore gloves and in the past, she hasn't been too fond of stuff on my hands, whether it is sticky cookie dough or gloves. I asked if she wanted to play in the snow and she said no. She wanted to go back into the screened-in porch where her "summer toys" were. So, we went back into the porch and she played with these items for quite some time. She went down the slide a few times, but really enjoyed playing with her baby duckies!! At one point, I brought some snow from outside to put in her water table, but she didn't like that either. So, the snow stayed outside while we played in the porch. Luckily, the sun was out so the porch wasn't as chilly as outside and we were able to take our gloves/mittens off without our hands/fingers getting too chilly. So, I guess our first experience with sun wasn't exactly as I imagined it would be, but I'm sure she will "warm" up to the snow over time. Maybe she needs to go outside with Daddy next time who might be a little more adventurous than Mommy!! :)

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