2-Year Well-Child Doctor Visit

Monday, 1-4-10

Amy had her two-year well-child doctor visit today. Poor thing - she does NOT like going to the doctor's office. She must have a great memory because ever since she went to the doctor for her ear infection, she becomes so upset when we have to go. Today, she actually became upset even before we left the house! I told her that we were going to go see the doctor, and she started crying and began clinging to me! I had told her earlier in the day that we were going to be going to see the doctor, but once she realized we were actually going, she didn't like it! I was able to distract her by reminding her of the fishes in the doctor's office and we picked out some books to take for the car ride. Once we got to the doctor's office, she did okay, though every time the nurse came to call someone back, she clung to me. When it was our turn, she cried almost the entire time we were there. She didn't want to get on the scale for her weight and she had a hard time standing to get her height measured as she was wanting me to hold her. She calmed down once the nurse left, but as soon as the doctor came in, she began crying again. Poor thing! I feel so bad for her as I know she is scared. I tried distracting her with various books or Little People - I took the Little People doctor, but she initially didn't want to play with him - she only wanted to play with the king and the mommy! Luckily, Kurt was able to meet me at the doctor's office so there was another set of ears to hear what the doctor was saying. Overall, Amy is healthy! Her ears look fine, which was reassuring to me since she had been rubbing her ears against her shoulders. She weighs 27 pounds and is about 33 1/2 inches. Amy had to have her second Hepatitis A shot, though the good news is that she won't need anymore immunization shots until she is five years old (except for the flu shot, though hopefully she will be able to have the nasal spray like this year). Poor little girl was so tired at the end of the appointment from all that crying!! She was able to tell the doctor "bye bye" and gave him a high five as he was leaving the room! I can't believe that she is getting so big! It is going by so fast!

1 comment:

  1. This breaks my heart! It is so hard once they are old enough and know what to expect. We are heading to the dentist today for our first visit...I'm a little nervous about this as well! I'm so glad everything looked great and Amy is healthy as can be!
