Thursday, 7-8-10
It has been almost six weeks since the Passy Fairy came to visit Amy. I have been meaning to write about this for was quite exciting!
Prior to the Passy Fairy visit, Amy used a pacifier when she slept, both naps and at nighttime. Kurt and I knew that we needed to wean her off the pacifier, though honestly neither one of us were looking forward to the task. Then, we discovered that the Passy Fairy comes to visit little ones to take their pacifiers so that little babies can use them. As a token of her appreciation for the passy, she leaves a toy for the toddler since she is no longer a baby and thus doesn't need the pacifier. Well, it is amazing how much power the Passy Fairy can have.
We spoke with Amy about the Passy Fairy and the new toy that she would leave for her once she gave up all of her pacifiers. Slowly, over a course of a week or so, Amy slowly began throwing her passies away, one by one. When she only had one left, she didn't want to throw it away. After talking with her some more about it, she agreed that she would leave the passy for the Passy Fairy. So, in talking with the Passy Fairy in private, it was agreed that Amy actually could pick our her own toy at the store!! Amy was thrilled and away we went to the store. Amy chose the Little People Tree House, complete with a little princess and horse.
To our suprise, Amy actually did very well giving up her passy. The first night, she cried a little bit, but nothing to what Kurt and I were expecting. After the first day, she didn't have any more problems going to sleep. Amy occasionally mentioned her passy, but then quickly said that the Passy Fairy came for it.
We are so proud of our big girl for giving up her pacifier! Below are a few pictures of her enjoying her new toy from the Passy Fairy!!
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