Quick Trip to New Albany

Thursday, 4-15-10

This week, Amy & I made a quick trip to visit Grandma & Granddad Murphy in New Albany. We left on Monday and returned Wednesday. Daddy wasn't able to join us though we talked to him while we were gone to let him know what we were doing.

We had told Amy that we would be going to visit Grandma & Granddad Murphy over the weekend and she kept asking when we were going. On Monday, when she woke up, I told her that we would be going to see them that day. She was so excited that it was the only thing she talked about all morning. She wanted to leave right then!! I could barely get her through lunch as she was getting quite insistent about leaving for Grandma & Granddad's house! So, we left a little earlier than planned. :)

Amy simply loves to play with Grandma & Granddad! During our visit, she would grab them by the finger and take them where she wanted to go! With Amy's help, Granddad put up the swing in the backyard so Amy was able to swing and swing! She loves to swing and would giggle and squeal in delight! She also got tickled, which added to the excitement of swinging!! :)

On Tuesday, Grandma was able to play hooky from school to enjoy the day with us. Originally, we planned on going to a petting zoo at a local orchard/winery. However, when we got there, we learned that the petting zoo didn't open until later this month. However, we were able to feed the fish and geese, which Amy loved! She would throw the food into the water and watch all of the fish go for the food, though typically the geese were faster! There were so many fish in the water and these fish were HUGE!! Amy enjoyed running around the deck and running into the grass. At one point, one of the geese was coming toward us rather insistently, apparently wanting more food. I think it caused me more anxiety than Amy, but we decided to go ahead and leave before any possible geese attacks!! We stopped by a local park before heading back to Grandma & Granddad's house.

That afternoon, Uncle Tim & Samantha came over to play and have dinner. I managed to get one picture of Samantha pushing Amy on the swing before Samantha knew I was taking her picture!! :)

During our visit, Amy enjoyed playing with Grandma's bracelets. Amy definitely loves to accessorize, putting as many bracelets as Grandma gave her on her arm. The first evening, Amy even had to wear one bracelet on each arm to bed!!

We had such a wonderful time playing and visiting. Thanks, Grandma & Granddad, for a wonderful visit!!

Getting tickled while swinging!

Feeding the fish & geese

These fish were huge!

Notice all of the bracelets on her arm!!

Notice that Amy is still wearing all of the bracelets!!

Amy loves to get cuddles from Grandma!

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