So, this morning, I walk into the room to tell Amy that breakfast is ready and this is what I see:
After about having a heart attack and wondering exactly how she got up there, I quickly grabbed the camera, which of course is always on hand for these moments, and snapped a few pictures, before helping Amy get down. I think she was cleaning up for breakfast. (Please note that she continues to wear her "cake" pajama shorts to bed over her warmer pj's!!)
Later this morning, we went to the library to play and look at books. Afterward, we came home to have lunch with Daddy. At times, Amy prefers to keep her coat on when we return home for our outings, which was the case today. As I was getting lunch ready, I heard her giggling in the other room and seemingly talking to "bear." I looked in the room, and this is what I saw:
And she is so lucky to have you to keep all of her days bright as well, you are a great mom!